How a new website for HURIDOCS became my number one project

I was given the opportunity to redesign a website for HURIDOCS. Find out more about the project and our collaboration.
Published on in Freelancing & UX Design
I was given the opportunity to redesign a website for HURIDOCS. Find out more about the project and our collaboration.
Published on in Freelancing & UX Design
Without shouting about gender discrimination, equality can never be achieved.
Published on in Events & Gender equality
Sustainability concerns me, so I’m sharing with you what, from my point of view, is significant to this subject. I don’t aim to cover all product design and development issues related to environment and ecology. I’ll focus on the UX side of things because I’m passionate about usability and delivering exceptional digital services.
Published on in UX Design
Site’s performance matters when we talk about accessible design. Fast loading time takes into account those who have a slower internet connection and overall leaves users less frustrated when waiting for all content to load.
Published on in UX Design
Last weekend I was busy working on a Period Dignity App during a fantastic tech and data jam. This project aims to make sanitary products accessible across Bristol for those who are in need, as well as allow others to make donations.
Published on in Events & Tech for good
The experience I gained since I started freelancing in March 2018 has been excellent overall. Each aspect of my life, my career and personal life, has been affected. There have been some empowering moments and times which left me uncertain about the path I chose. I would like to share my thoughts to support other freelancers.
Published on in Freelancing
There are lots of tips and pieces of advice around hackathons that are available online. However, most of them are survival guides or suggestions on how to win. And where is the fun bit? Hackathons usually happen over the weekend, and you often get to work with people you don’t know. Let’s find ways to enjoy your precious end of the week time while developing a project in two days maximum.
Published on in Events
A portfolio site is your personal online space where you can show off your experiences and accomplishments. It’s something that everyone is asking for if you are looking for a job or new client. It is particularly important for people working in the creative or tech industries. Let’s take a look at mine.
Published on in UI Design
My talk, WordPress child themes - setup and development best practices, received good feedback and is also available online if you’re interested.
Published on in Tech talk
Do you need a user experience and interaction designer specialist?
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